About St. George Albany

Our Archdiocese

Behold, I…shall require My sheep at their hands (Ezk 34.9)

St George Albany is connected to the vine of Christ through the ancient see of Antioch. Our hierarchy—from left to right—includes Patriarch John X of Antioch, Metropolitan Saba and Bishop Alexander


Fr. John Vazquez - Pastor

Fr. John Vazquez was ordained to the holy priesthood on October 23, 2022 at St. George Orthodox Church in Fishers, IN by Bishop Anthony Michaels. His undergraduate studies were at Kent State University where he studied history. He graduated from St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary in May 2023 and began serving as pastor of St. George Albany on June 1, 2023. Fr. John is married to Kh. Hannah and together they have 5 children.

Our Patron: St. George the Great-Martyr & Trophy-Bearer

This renowned and glorious martyr was born in Cappadocia, the son of rich and God-fearing parents. His father suffered for Christ, after which his mother moved to Palestine. When George grew up, he went into the army, in which he rose, by the age of twenty, to the rank of tribune, and as such was in service under the Emperor Diocletian.

St. George the Great-Martyr & Trophy-Bearer When this Emperor began a terrible persecution of Christians, George came before him and boldly confessed that he was a Christian. The Emperor threw him into prison, and commanded that his feet be put in the stocks and a heavy weight placed on his chest. After that, he commanded that he be bound on a wheel, under which was a board with great nails protruding, and thus be turned. He then had him buried in a pit with only his head above the ground, and left there for three days and nights. Then, through some magician, he gave him deadly poison, but in the face of all these tortures, George prayed unceasingly to God, and God healed him instantly and saved him from death, to the great amazement of the people. When he also raised a dead man to life by his prayers, many embraced the Christian faith. Among these was the Emperor’s wife, Alexandra, and the chief pagan priest, Athanasius, the governor Glycerius and Valerius, Donatus and Therinus.

Finally, the Emperor commanded that George and the Empress Alexandra be beheaded. Blessed Alexandra died on the scaffold before being killed, and St George was beheaded. This happened in the year 303. The miracles that have been performed at his grave are without number. Also are his appearances in dreams to those who, thinking on him, have sought his help, from that time up to the present day.

Consumed by love for Christ, it was not difficult for holy George to leave all for this love - his status, wealth and imperial favour, his friends and the whole world. For this love, the Lord rewarded him with a wreath of unfading glory in heaven and on earth, and with eternal life in His Kingdom. The Lord further endowed him with the power to help in need and distress all who honour him and call on his name.

Troparion - Tone 4

As the liberator of captives and defender of the poor,
healer of the infirm, and champion of kings, O Victory-bearer Great Martyr George,
intercede with Christ our God for our souls' salvation.

Kontakion - Tone 4

You were cultivated by God, and you showed yourself as a most honorable cultivator of piety;
and you harvested for yourself the sheaves of virtue;
for having sown in tears, now you reap with joy;
and having contested unto blood, you received Christ.
By your intercessions, O Saint, you obtain the forgiveness of sins for all.