Parish Calendar
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Welcome to St George Orthodox Church in Albany, NY!
Ancient Christianity in Albany, NY
St George Albany is an Orthodox Christian community in the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America. The Orthodox Church is the Church of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ—spread by the Apostles (Mt 28.16), defended by the Fathers (1 Pet 3.15), died for by the Martyrs (Acts 7.60, 12.2) and delivered to us to preserve and hand to the world today (2 Thess 2.15). We do not change the Church but the Church, through the Grace which rests in her (Col 1.18, 1 Tim 3.15), changes us so that we can conform to the image of God (Rom 12.2). At St George you will find a community that worships the one God, who is 3 persons—Father, Son and Holy Spirit (Mt 3.16–17)—a community that seeks to come to know Him through learning together (Acts 17.11, 20.7), a community that is connected to the vine of Christ (Ps 79/80.14 and Jn 15.1–5), a community that seeks to love and support one another with the love of Christ (2 Pet 1.7, Gal 6.1–2) and finally a community that seeks to serve others (Mt 25.31–46). We invite you to come and see (Jn 1.39)!
What am I witnessing?
Ancient Christian worship as found in the Orthodox Church engages and heals all of the senses: our eyes are healed through beholding the beauty of the Church so that we can see things as they truly are; our minds are healed through a constant call to attention through prayer so that we can speak truth with our mouths; our hearts are healed through the divine Grace of God received in the Mysteries of the Holy Church so that we can hear and listen with compassion and tenderness; our hands are healed through the touch of sacred objects and the partaking of the most holy body and blood of our Lord Jesus in the holy Eucharist so that we can do the work of Christ in the world through the touch of our good works; and our intuition is healed so that we can follow the fragrance of Christ in whatever situation we find ourselves.
Am I required to participate?
You will hear people sing, you will see people cross themselves, kiss icons, sit and stand. You are not obligated to do any of these things but we invite you participate as you feel comfortable.
What about my children?
If you have young children, they, and the holy noise they bring with them, are welcome for all of the holy services. If necessary, feel free to take your child out into the hall for a break. The work of bringing children to Church is hard work but holy work. God bless you for undertaking this great endeavor, which is needed now more than ever. Children are welcome to participate in Sunday Education which takes place after the Eucharist.
Can I take Communion?
In the Orthodox Church, only baptized and chrismated Orthodox Christians may partake of the Holy Eucharist (communion). If you are not an Orthodox Christian and we are celebrating a Divine Liturgy you are welcome to come forward to receive a blessing with the chalice held over your head and receive a piece of blessed bread from the altar servers. Please stay for fellowship following the service and be sure to introduce yourself to the priest.
When two or three are gathered together in my name, there I am in the midst of them (Mt 18.20)